Display advertising should be part of your digital marketing strategy if it isn’t already. It is used for both brand awareness and remarketing to previous visitors of your website. Your advert is displayed on websites and apps around the internet such as Sky News, so you can associate your brand with other trusted brands. These banners can even be animated to grab users’ attention so why aren’t you using display advertising already?

Display advertising works by showing a banner advert to users around the internet that should incorporate your logo as well as a call to action. These banner adverts are clickable and take users through to your website. They are often very low cost and work on a pay per click basis, so you only pay when somebody clicks on your advert.
Display advertising is a way to promote your website or a remarketing method to reach users that have visited your website before. This is most commonly done through Google Ads but social media marketing such as Facebook Ads can also be seen as a form of display advertising as it uses image ads to attract the user’s attention.
Google’s Display Network reaches more than 90% of all global internet users as they browse the internet, which offers unparalleled exposure for your brand or website.
There are a number of benefits to display advertising and it can be used in various different ways to promote your brand. The benefits of display advertising include…
Brand Awareness
Your brand is shown to hundreds of thousands of users for a small cost and can help to build great awareness of your business and what you do.
Show display adverts to users that have already visited your website, keep your brand in their mind as they potentially shop around for prices and products.
Drive Conversions
You can also use display advertising to drive conversion actions, promoting discounts and special offers to entice users back to your site to purchase.
Display adverts are traditionally banner adverts that appear in various different sizes to fit on all websites, but other platforms like Facebook Ads can also be viewed as display adverts too. The main types of display ads include…
Banner Adverts –square and rectangular, horizontal and vertical, these come in various different sizes and feature graphics along with a call to action.
Animated Banners – these are similar to banner adverts but are animated in many different ways such as scrolling images, changing prices or flashing discounts.
Video Adverts – adverts on other platforms such as YouTube or Facebook can also be seen as display ads too. These videos will be shown to users as they browse.