How YouTube has changed during lockdown and why businesses should be taking advantage of it.

The lockdown measures that have been put in place over the last 6 months has meant that many of us have been working from home a lot more. Being stuck indoors with little or no travel time has led to many of us trying new things, from baking and self-taught haircuts to DIY and home workouts. One thing that all of these have in common is that many of us have turned to the internet to find out how to do it – and more specifically YouTube.
Whilst hairdressers and builders will not be replaced by our bodge jobs anytime soon, this has not stopped us looking for instructions and guidance online. And what’s really interesting is that this includes people that have never even considered turning to the internet for help before.
In Ofcom’s latest report, 42% of the adults they surveyed had used YouTube within the last week equating to approximately 22 million users. This has been aided by smart devices such as mobile phones, iPads, and TV’s, making it easier for users to consume video from a range of sources and lockdown has enable users to try these.
These unpredictable times have not only changed the way that we do things, it has also meant that many businesses have had to change the way they work on a day to day basis in order to survive. Many companies have had to adapt their marketing too, for example advertising across different or multiple social platforms.
Recent studies have shown that 47% of advertising success is down to the creative. Video creative is often a challenge for many businesses, but numbers show that video boosts engagement, which in turn increases sales. Whether it is showing users how to use a product at home or the benefits of using it, video makes a big impact. This is a prime time to start creating video content for your business if you don’t already do so. Video does not have to be complex or expensive – to get started, its best to focus on three main areas:
1. What does your audience want to know about?
Do you receive frequently asked questions about your products or services? Is there a problem that your target audience are commonly faced with, which is aided by your product or service? Think about how you would usually answer these questions. This is the objective when creating informative videos, the only difference being is that your answer is recorded. Once you have put together several frequently asked questions you can then put together a plan on how you will provide the information to your audience in an informative but engaging way. Which brings us to our next question…
2. What format should you use to present your information?
How To – This format allows you to show your audience how to do something. The how to approach allows the audience to learn something new and it helps prove that you are an expert in your field as you are solving the problem right in front of them. Giving your audience the chance to learn more about your product or service also establishes trust and increases the chances that customers will come back to you should they need more information or help.
Q&A – This format can be used for your frequently asked questions. For example, provide the question at the beginning of the video and then provide the answer using your expert knowledge. You could also provide supporting information such as pictures or examples.
Did You Know – You are able to use this type of format to build awareness about your product. You can provide information about things your audience may not know which can encourage them to purchase it.
3. Lastly, pushing record.
The final step is to record the video. If you need help keeping on track you can always make a few bullet points, but remember you can record over and over again until you are happy with the end result. It does not have to be perfect; it just has to be professional and the more you do it, the easier it will become. By creating video content like this it will enable to you to build brand awareness and engage with your audience. It also allows you to demonstrate your skills and knowledge.
Unfortunately, it does not look like this pandemic will be disappearing anytime soon, but you can use this time to distinguish yourself as market leader by creating video content that attracts and engages your ideal audience. So, why not keep the conversation going by connecting with viewers and building your online community by using YouTube as part of your marketing solution?