Digital Marketing Housekeeping – Social Media Calendars

Being active on social media is no longer an option for businesses – it’s a must. If you aren’t posting updates regularly, it’s likely that your competitors are. With some forward planning, it’s easy to ensure that you are up and running with regular posts. The easiest way to do this is by producing a social media calendar. If you are currently experiencing some downtime, you can use this as an opportunity to plan and get ahead for months to come.
With a social media calendar, you can visualise exactly what you want to be sharing on a monthly basis. Think about the campaigns you have running, testimonials you want to share, national days you want to join in with, events you have planned (if applicable) and blog content you want to drive traffic to. All of this will help to form the basis of your calendar.
Having a social media calendar in place means that you can work in batches by planning the content for the upcoming months, as well as preparing the assets you’ll need (such as videos and images). You’ll soon notice this will save you a huge amount of time.
Of course, you cannot plan everything. There will be adhoc posts that you’ll need to produce as well as reactive posts that respond to certain topics and news that you cannot predict. The addition of these to your planned content will ensure your posts are topical and frequent.
If you need help with planning your social media content or would like assistance to build your brand awareness through your social channels, get in touch with MCM Net on 01732 368120 or contact us here.