Meta, Instagram’s ‘Take a Break’, Facebook Targeting and COP26

Our digital marketing news roundup’s are a bi weekly feature, where we focus on some of the big news that’s happening in the sector!
[0:09] Facebook changes its name!
Meta, the new name for the parent company represents the evolution beyond social media into areas such as virtual reality. The individual platforms will continue under their existing names. Mr Zuckerberg explained that Facebook was no longer a suitable name for the company due to its ever expanding offering and eluded to hopes of a future digital universe, or ‘Metaverse’.
[0:31] Instagram – Take a break
On average, UK users are spending a huge 109 minutes per day on social media*. Yes, that’s almost 7.6% of the day. Instagram is testing a new feature, Take a Break, which allows users to set a limit on the time they spend on the app, when the time is up a notification appears to remind you to take a break! It also gives you tips on taking a moment to reset, such as taking a few deep breaths, listening to some music or completing something on your to-do list!
[0:47] Facebook Removes thousands of Ad Targeting Categories
In line with changing privacy policies, Facebook has once again removed thousands of categories from their ad targeting options. Some of the categories that have been removed due to their sensitive nature include ethnicity, politics, health and religion.
[1:07] Global Event Industry’s pledge at COP26
The ‘Net Zero Carbon Events’ initiative was announced by a panel of high-profile events industry representatives and calls on the sector to make their pledge towards a net zero future. You can find out more about the pledge and our very own Climate Action Initiative here.
Tune in to our social channels next Friday for more digital marketing news!