MCM Net become Waze Certified

MCM Net are excited to announce that we are now a Waze Certified Agency.
Waze is a community based navigation app that features real time input from other users within the Waze community. The app provides traffic reports, driving directions and additional information such as speed camera locations.
In order to become certified, we had to demonstrate our experience with Waze ads and complete their online certification. This achievement means that we will have unique access to support from Waze, as well as access to insights and case studies. All of which mean we can provide an even more specialist service to our clients.
There are a variety of ad formats available on Waze such as branded pins that will remind drivers that your business is on, or near their route, promoted search which will show your location promoted to the top of search results and even a ‘Zero-Speed Takeover’ which is a digital billboard that will be shown to the driver when they come to a standstill.
We have achieved fantastic results for our clients on Waze including over 35,500 impressions, 4,000 searches and 135 actions for just a $2 per day budget. With real time reporting, the ability to pause a campaign at any time and a minimum budget of just $2 per day, there is very little risk involved in giving Waze ads the chance to help you meet your organisational goals.
If you are interested in how Waze can work for your business or how you can take advantage of our expertise, get in touch with MCM Net on 01732 368120 or contact us here.