MCM Net in South East business Magazine

Our MD John recently spent the afternoon talking to Malcolm Triggs, editor of South East Business, for this interview in the latest edition of the magazine. From our early beginnings right through to our current clients, he recounts the story of how MCM Net has grown over the past 17 years into the full service we offer today.
Typical of these types of Q&As, John discusses the journey the business has taken to get where it is today and also outlines his vision for the future, all of which is very exciting for us. As a passionate team who love all things digital, we thrive on discovering new and innovative ways to improve the way we deliver results for our clients. Since web design and digital marketing go hand in hand with each other, our close knit team have formed a great process that enables the websites we design to deliver ROI through our digital marketing strategies. After all as a wise man once said: “There’s no point in having a website if it’s not in Google.”
After reading the interview, we as a team have all given ourselves a good pat on the back for what we have achieved so far, and for what lies ahead.
So how has MCM Net become one of the leading digital marketing agencies in Kent? The answer lies in a copy of Websites for Dummies.