MCM Net Launches UK Site for Harlequin Floors

MCM Net has launched a bespoke, multi-lingual website for Harlequin Floors; the world leader in advanced technology flooring for dance and the performing arts. The new site offers a dramatic improvement in terms of navigation, appearance and accessibility, as well as a new design which will be rolled out globally across the next 9 months.
Having commissioned a usability study, Harlequin Floors approached MCM Net with a brief to create a stylish, usable and fully accessible site that offers an improved online facility to match its first class service and market leading products.
Incorporating the usability findings and client brief, MCM Net developed a bespoke content managed site with multi-lingual functionality that makes it possible for Harlequin Floors to duplicate the current version of the UK site and translate it to suit the local language requirements. This functionality forms a large part of the follow-on project phase that sees 11 international regions launching a local copy of the core UK site over a 9 month period.
As well as improvements to functionality, the website also now incorporates the Harlequin Shop which allows users to purchase a wide range of products, accessories and after sales cleaning items.
Further features include the ‘Floor Selector Guide’ that aims to guide visitors when deciding on the ideal flooring for their specific needs. The guide asks users key questions and advises on suited flooring options depending on their selections. Additional product information is available to further aid the buying process and all recommended products are comparable via the ‘Floor Comparison Tool’.
Fully content managed, this tool allows Harlequin Floors to upload key comparison factors that are influential in terms of purchasing decisions and users can quickly and easily compare listed floor types against key variables such as thickness, weight and panel sizes.