MCM Net Win Best Place to Work 2019 Award

On March 11th, MCM Net was announced as a winner of the ‘Best Places to Work 2019’ awards. The programme, run by the Best Companies Group, carries out an in depth analysis of employer benefits, policies and anonymous employee surveys to identify the best ad agency, media and marketing employers.
The awards are open to all publicly or privately held organisations within the specified industries with 15 or more employees working in the UK and judged by a senior panel of judges to determine who the winners should be and how they rank.
‘What makes us worthy of such an amazing award’, I hear you ask? Well these are just a few reasons why we think we’re the best:
- ‘We are not afraid to test new strategies for our clients’ Jessica Farrugia, Senior Social Media Executive
- ‘It’s a really nice environment and there’s so much to do’ Thomas McCleod, Digital Designer
- ‘We have an open office where no idea is a bad idea’ Toby Dawkins, Senior Paid Executive
- ‘We are encouraged to explore our talents within digital marketing’ Aindrea White, Senior Digital PR Outreach Executive
- ‘No day is like another’ Fern Rogers, Account Manager
Here’s what our CEO, John McMahon, has to say about winning the award and why it is so important to him:
‘Our ethos has always been a happy team means happy customers. We all spend more time in the office than we do in our own homes so I’ve always believed the office should be as enjoyable an environment as possible, whilst still doing the odd bit of work. As a team we’ve always been known as a hard working yet relaxed and friendly bunch, easy to approach and over giving with our time. This hopefully in part stems from our internal culture and has also lead us to position ourselves as the experts in the charity sector. It means we can work and give at the same time.
We’ve had an astro turf floor, games room, team breakfasts, days out, flexible working, health insurance and a wellbeing team since long before it all became trendy or simply the norm. We’ll continue to adopt new staff benefits as our team think of them and continue to push and blur the boundaries between work and fun and hopefully win lots more clients and awards along the way. The cherry on the top is the Best Places award though. So I’m hugely proud we’ve achieved it.’
There are lots of reasons why MCM Net is still going from strength to strength. 21 years since we started out and, being such a fantastic place to work is just one of them. So if you want to find out the other reasons, including why our clients love working with us, get in touch today.