Web Design Agency?

Over the 16 years we’ve been a web design agency we’ve seen a huge amount of change in the industry at a pace that never slows. One debate we’ve had often however is how do we describe what we do. Is “web design agency” really a fitting description? Web design has always been at the core of our services but if that’s all we did I doubt we’d have many clients left.
8 years ago we started to call ourselves a “new media agency” – that was the buzz word at the time for anything internet related. The trouble was that most businesses had no idea what new media really was so we ended up reverting to “web design, games and seo”. Not the quickest of descriptions and it still didn’t encompass everything we do. More recently we’ve been described as a Digital Marketing agency.
So here we are in 2013 and there are even more services to add to the cauldron of marketing wizardry we offer our clients. Social media and “Inbound marketing” as the latest buzz phrase describes it, is obviously a crucial part of the mix. As a business you should no longer be looking for just a web design agency. If an agency can only design a site for you and then walks away leaving you to market it yourself then they are performing a fairly pointless service. They’re delivering a car with no wheels.
Today you need a partner who will work with you to build your online presence then help you to market it through SEO, Social Media, Blogs, PR and any other marketing media. You need an agency that is committed to raising your profile, solidifying your brand and increasing your sales.
So what should a web design agency be called today? Well everyone seems to be looking to reposition themselves with new titles. PR Agencies are calling themselves Social Media agencies, Social Media agencies are describing themselves as PR agencies, Digital Agencies are calling themselves Ad agencies. But does it really matter?
I don’t think so. The key is can the agency do the job and are they a good fit for your business. Crucially do their staff seem to genuinely care and get excited about working with you? If they do then the rest of the journey should be easy!
As always we’d love to talk to you so why not contact us or leave a comment below or visit me on Google or Twitter?