What time of day people view your website

So you now know that you can’t ignore mobile and ideally you need a responsive web site. You don’t? Well please keep up – read this post. The comScore report says so and you only have to look around you for confirmation. We live in an internet obsessed world and most of us have to be connected 24/7.
Once you have your mobile friendly site you can sit back and watch the orders flood in right? Well no the report also shows how the time of day affects the device your site is viewed on. It’s fairly obvious really; weekday time is largely the PC, rush hour is the mobile and in evening and bedtime people take the tablet. The iPad variety (other brands are available!).
Obvious but are you taking advantage of this? Have you even considered this as part of your strategy? Even if you’re B2B not B2C these days your targets continue consuming work related info late into the evening and weekends. So maybe it’s worth taking another look at your Adwords and switching some spend dependent on time of day and device? Maybe you could display different sized banners or styled adverts at different times to take into account the type of device your visitor is likely to be on? And remember if you’ve been clever and set Tweets to auto Tweet in the evening make sure that they are taking the reader to a mobile optimised page or you could be throwing all that traffic away again.
There was a huge uptake in mobile ecommerce last year – possibly people browsing and shopping from the train? Or if you’re like me it’s whilst sitting on the M25 – I bought a new book on Audible! I was stuck in traffic and not moving – I promise. Also consider that in the evening people are more relaxed and possibly more responsive. They may read more of your product or service description and may make more informed choices. Whatever your business is you now need a multi platform strategy and you need to be taking your audience viewing habits into account. Ring any bells? Been done before. Think TV advertising. Yes good old fashioned TV. Maybe we need to apply some of that that logic to our websites too.
As always we’d love to hear your comments on this or maybe you’d like to challenge us to build a strategy for you?